Panel: How to deal with injury

If you fall, get back up. Well, what if that’s easier said than done. What if your skating is the best it can possibly be, and you’re on top of the game and one little fall changes everything? Taking a long break, having to go through surgery and recovery? Is it possible to get back on your feet like if nothing had happened? Is your body going to be 100% functional again and how about the ego and depression during the time-out? Questions we want to pass on to our four guests, who all had to deal with different kind of injuries, pain and accidents trough blading. Let’s (try to) get back up!

Speaker: Eugen Enin, Kaili Randmäe, Antony Pottier, Miguel Ramos
Host: Jojo Jacobi

Friday, 14th Feb, 01:00 p.m.
Location: Areafiftyone Skatepark / Panel Room

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