
Winterclash 2025

For now and forever! Winterclash is celebrating it’s 20th birthday.February 13th – 15th 2025 – Area51 EindhovenTickets, 20Years Book & Merchandise out now 💙Get your tickets – CLICK HERE
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2024 Judging Report

If you want to dive into the hows and whys of our Winterclash 2024 results, our official Judging Report is exactly what you need to read.Click on the image to read the full thing.
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Results 2024

This is it. Winterclash 2024 is history. It has been said many times but: Thank you for making this weekend so special every single year. 💙While we are processing, here are the results.As always, our judges are preparing a full judging report during the next weeks for more insights. Pictures: Sabina Szkarłat This is Soul...
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Practical Information for Winterclash 2024

Winterclash is around the corner and here are a few important things to know. We’ve gathered all the information to make it through the weekend. Please take a second to read through and get prepared for the best weekend of the year. NO HELMET NO SKATE – bring your helmet, you won’t be allowed to...
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Sold out

That’s it. More than three months before the event – and the earliest in our history, Winterclash 2024 is sold out.From the bottom of our heart: Thank you for your support and your trust. This is incredible and after everything we went trough this means the world to us.We can’t for our community to finally...
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22 ・ 23・ 24th February 2024