Brian Aragon is going to join us for Winterclash 2020!
Brian Aragon changed blading forever and his riding is still inspiring young and old riders of all generations today. Very few people had the abilities to go as big as he did, in combination with the most technical tricks, performed in his unique, unmatched and yet often copied style. His video parts from over ten, fifteen years ago are still on top of the game today and are proof to the fact that very few people on this planet have been as influential for blading and our culture as a whole.
Brian has been the most requested person in our recent Winterclash survey and we are beyond excited to announce that he will be at Winterclash 2020. We are looking forward to a very special side-event with him and he might even join one or two of our panel discussions to share his knowledge. For the first time since 2012 we are able to say WELCOME BRIAN ARAGON!
(Photo: Brandon Smith)