
DISCLAIMER: For 2024 we have no more free spots in the volunteer team.

For special requests, please send an email to team@winterclash.com

We couldn’t do it without you! Winterclash depends on it’s volunteers and your help is essential to guarantee a well running schedule and happy visitors. We would love having you as a part of our team, so please read below and sign up today.

– 18 years at least
– Responsible minded!!
– English (understanding + talking)

– Entrance assistance
– Skatepark ranger
– Preparation and park cleaning
– Panel / Side Events assistance
– Tradeshow assistance

Need extra information on the tasks at hand?

Tickets / Guestlist: Exchange tickets / guest list into Winterclash wristbands. Direct riders to the registration booth, hand out media passes etc.

Volunteers Room: Guarding and hosting the room open exclusively for the volunteers.

Park Ranger: Assisting the MCs and the riders to keep enough space in the park and direct the audience.

Panel Room: Support us with setting up the panel room for live podcasts, discussions and workshops. Assist with the recording of the events.

Runner: Take over empty shifts. Help the communication between officec, MC and judges.


Bracelet Station @Bar: Exchange tickets into a wristband

Hanglosers Superbowl: Help setting up the Superbowl and deconstructing after.

Build Up Runner: Help us with the final touches in the venue before opening.

What do I get in return:
– Free entry
– Free catering
– Happy faces
– New friends and good times with an awesome crew

You are helping us to run an outstanding event for our guests from all over the world!  Without you we wouldn’t be able run this show and we much appreciate your support!

If you are interested in becoming a Winterclash volunteer, please send us contact details and a few informations about yourself via this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible and can not wait to meet you in Eindhoven!